Growing rural communities together
Since 2011, Cash for Communities has raised over $820,000 for charities, schools and community organisations throughout New Zealand. The programme has enjoyed strong support from farmers, growers and contractors during the last 13 years and we’ve seen communities come together to raise money for their chosen causes.

Knapdale School
“Thank you to our community, our farmers, for nominating Knapdale School for the Cash for Communities programme.”
Rhonda Sullivan, Board of Trustees Chair, Knapdale School.
Dunstan Rural Fire Brigade
“The Cash for Communities donation is very much appreciated. Thank you to our local farmers and growers.”
Mandy Sanders, Fire Fighter, Dunstan Rural Fire Brigade.
Greenlea Rescue Helicopter
“We greatly appreciate the Cash for Communities donation that our rural people have provided us.”
Jason Kirkland, Pilot & Base Manager, Greenlea Rescue Helicopter.
St John Te Awamutu
We’re grateful for the donation we have received from Cash for Communities. A lot of the mahi that we do in the community couldn’t be done without the support from the community.”
Rob Chisolm, Clinical Support Office, St John Te Awamutu.
Ellesmere Community Care Organisation
“We sincerely appreciate the support from Cash for Communities and the farmers who have contributed.”
June McLachlan, Chair, Ellesmere Community Care Organisation.
South Canterbury Rural Support Trust
“Support is everything to us. It doesn’t go unnoticed by the farming community, who steps up and offers support.”
Mark Adams, Chair, South Canterbury Rural Support Trust.