Choose from pre-emergent, post-emergence, and non-selective herbicides used to control weeds while keeping pasture and crops safe. View the options below, and to purchase, visit your local PGG Wrightson store or contact your Technical Field Representative.
Always read the registered label before use.

10L | 20L | 200L
A selective herbicide, Acierto controls pre-emergence weeds including annual grasses and broadleaf weeds, in grain, silage maize, and sweetcorn crops.

Adapt is a post-emergence herbicide used to control perennial and annual grasses and broadleaf weeds in grain and silage maize crops.

Atranex® Flow
A selective herbicide, Atranex Flow controls weeds in maize, sweetcorn, established lucerne crops, and non-cropping paddocks.

Baton® 800WSG
10kg | 20kg
Non-volatile and low odour, Baton 800WSG controls broadleaf weeds in cereals and pastures, offering improved clover safety.

Betanal® Forte
Designed to help maximise yield, Betanal Forte is a post-emergence herbicide used to control selected broadleaf weeds in fodder beet, sugar and red beet crops.

Betanal® Quattro
Apply during the crop's first eight weeks, Betanal Quattro is a post-emergence herbicide used to control broadleaf weeds and grasses in beet crops.

Centurion® Xtra
5L | 20L
A post-emergent herbicide, Centurion Xtra controls perennial and annual grass weeds in forage crops such as forage brassicas, forage herbs, lucerne, fodder beet and sugar beet.

A selective herbicide, Cutlass controls difficult broadleaf weeds in cereal and maize crops, pasture, and waste areas.

Dynamo controls broadleaf weeds in pasture containing clover, lucerne, plantain, and turf.

Ethosat is a herbicide used as a follow-up spray to control barley grass in pasture and weeds in ryegrass, fodder, sugar, and red beet crops.

Goltix® Gold
10L | 20L
Crop safe at all growth stages, Goltix Gold offers a reduced hazard profile and improved efficacy against weeds in beet crops.

0.2kg | 1kg | 10kg
Granstar can be tank mixed with glyphosate before pasture or crop establishment to improve control and extend weed control.

Hammer® Force
1L | 4L
Hammer Force can be added to glyphosate to speed up and improve the control of selected broadleaf weeds.

Harmony® 50SG
Harmony can be tank mixed with glyphosate before pasture or crop establishment or used selectively to control dock and buttercup in established pasture.

5L | 20L
Headstart herbicide has an in-built adjuvant to control broadleaf weeds in pasture and seed crops with clovers and ryegrass, lucerne, and chicory.

A post-emergence herbicide, Hussar controls selected grass and broadleaf weeds in wheat, durum wheat, triticale, barley, and ryecorn crops.

Kamba® 750
Kamba 750 is a selective herbicide used to control tough broadleaf weeds in cereals, maize, pasture, plantain, kale and waste areas.

5L | 20L
Korvetto is a selective herbicide used to control broadleaf weeds in forage brassica crops and has a built-in adjuvant to optimise results.

Lion® 490 DST
20L | 200L
Lion 490 DST, a non-selective systemic herbicide, controls some annual and perennial grasses and broadleaf weeds in agricultural and horticultural sprayouts.

Magister® CS
1L | 5L
Magister CS herbicide controls broadleaf and grass weeds in selected vegetable crops, oilseed rape, fodder beet, and fodder brassicas.

Merit is a selective pre-emergence herbicide used to control selected annual broadleaf weeds and grasses in forage brassicas, maize, sweetcorn, and various vegetable crops.

A selective herbicide, Mesoflex controls broadleaf weeds and some grasses in grain and silage maize.

5L | 10L
Milestone herbicide provides post-emergence broadleaf weed control in many forage brassica crops while providing a good level of crop safety.

Monarch is a selective herbicide used to control fathen and black nightshade in fodder brassica and oilseed rape.

Applying Nortron provides early weed control in fodder beet and red beet crops, along with barley grass control in pasture and annual poa control in turf ryegrass.

Ombre provides pre-emergence weed control in selected fodder, oil and seed brassicas, peas, pumpkins and winter squash.

Othello® OD
Othello OD is a post-emergence herbicide which contains three complimentary herbicides for broad spectrum weed control in wheat.

A selective herbicide, Pulsar controls selected broadleaf weeds through contact and systemic activity in new pasture, clover, cereal, and pea crops.

Puma® S
A post-emergence herbicide, Puma S controls wild oats in wheat, and perennial ryegrass seed crops, plus yellow bristle grass in pasture.

5L | 20L
Pycus controls selected broadleaf weeds post-emergence in fodder brassica crops.

For effective control, apply Quantum to actively growing broadleaf weeds in green pea, forage peas, and winter and spring-sown cereal crops, except oats.

Reglone non-selective and non-residual herbicide and desiccant, controlling a range of annual and perennial broadleaf weeds in certain horticultural and agricultural crops and aquatic situations.

Rexade herbicide provides complete grass and broadleaf weed control in wheat crops.

Roundup Ultra®MAX
18L | 100L
Roundup UltraMAX is a non-residual, non-selective herbicide controlling weeds across horticulture, agriculture, and forestry prior to planting, and before harvesting.

Roustabout® 840
10L | 200L
A pre-emergence herbicide, Roustabout 840 controls annual grasses and broadleaf weeds in maize and sweetcorn crops.

Saxon herbicide controls or suppresses actively growing broadleaf weeds in wheat, barley, and oat crops.

Apply pre-emergence, Sharpen controls broadleaf weeds in maize and sweet corn. Can be mixed with glyphosate for enhanced spectrum in the burndown/pre-plant window.

Sprinter® 700 DS
20L | 200L
An easy-to-use herbicide, Sprinter 700 DS has a non-volatile, 2,4-D formulation to effectively control selected broadleaf weeds in established pastures.

Starane™ Xtra
Starane Xtra is a selective herbicide for the control many broadleaf weeds in wheat, barley, and oat crops. Broadens glyphosate’s control of selected broadleaf weeds in orchards.

5L | 20L
A selective herbicide, T-MAX controls annual and perennial broadleaf weeds in pastures, forage plantain and forage brassicas.

Tropotox™ Ultra
20L | 200L
Tropotox Ultra is a selective herbicide that controls many broadleaf weeds in pasture, pea, clover, and grass seed crops.

Twinax® Xtra
Twinax Xtra controls selected annual ryegrass, lesser canary grass, gnawed canary grass and wild oats in barley and wheat, with a built-in adjuvant for improved uptake.

Versatill™ PowerFlo™
10L | 20L
Versatill PowerFlo controls many broadleaf weeds in amenity situations, non-crop areas, tree crops, some arable crops, pastures, maize, fodder and sugar beet, and forests.
Some products may not be available in all stores but may be ordered on request. PGG Wrightson Ltd (PGW) does not warrant this information’s accuracy or fitness for any purpose. The content of this page is generic only. Always get advice from your local PGW Technical Field Representative before using any products. PGW is not responsible for the consequences of any action taken in reliance on the content of this page. PGW’s Customer Account Terms of Trade/Sale located at apply to the advice given and the sale of products listed here unless specified otherwise. Images are for illustrative purposes only.