Bayer Crop Science develops crop protection products for New Zealand’s primary industry. To discuss how including products from the Bayer range may benefit your crop management programme, either visit your local PGG Wrightson store or contact your Technical Field Representative.
Always read the registered label before use.

Betanal® Forte
Designed to help maximise yield, Betanal Forte is a post-emergence herbicide used to control selected broadleaf weeds in fodder beet, sugar and red beet crops.

Betanal® Quattro
Apply during the crop's first eight weeks, Betanal Quattro is a post-emergence herbicide used to control broadleaf weeds and grasses in beet crops.

Escolta fungicide controls foliar diseases rust, powdery mildew, Cercospora, Ramularia, in fodder and sugar beet crops.

A post-emergence herbicide, Hussar controls selected grass and broadleaf weeds in wheat, durum wheat, triticale, barley, and ryecorn crops.

Kestrel contains two complementary DMI fungicides providing effective disease control in wheat, barley, and ryegrass seed crops.

Applying Nortron provides early weed control in fodder beet and red beet crops, along with barley grass control in pasture and annual poa control in turf ryegrass.

Othello® OD
Othello OD is a post-emergence herbicide which contains three complimentary herbicides for broad spectrum weed control in wheat.

Prosaro is a broad-spectrum DMI fungicide for the control of Septoria leaf blotch, stripe rust, leaf rust, and ear diseases in wheat, barley, and ryegrass seed.

Puma® S
A post-emergence herbicide, Puma controls wild oats in wheat, and perennial ryegrass seed crops, plus yellow bristle grass in pasture.

Roundup Ultra®MAX
18L | 100L
Roundup Ultra®MAX is a non-residual, non-selective herbicide controlling weeds across horticulture, agriculture, and forestry prior to planting, and before harvesting.

Vimoy® iblon
Developed under New Zealand conditions, VIMOY iblon is a versatile SDHI fungicide providing disease control in wheat, triticale, barley, and ryegrass seed crops.
Some products may not be available in all stores but may be ordered on request. PGG Wrightson Ltd (PGW) does not warrant this information’s accuracy or fitness for any purpose. The content of this page is generic only. Always get advice from your local PGW Technical Field Representative before using any products. PGW is not responsible for the consequences of any action taken in reliance on the content of this page. PGW’s Customer Account Terms of Trade/Sale located at apply to the advice given and the sale of products listed here unless specified otherwise. Images are for illustrative purposes only.